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6 Things Home Owners Must Do To Get Aerial Photos Of Their House

Skyshutter • 9 April 2020

6 Things Homeowners Wanting Aerial Photos Must Do

Why Do I Need An Aerial Photo Of My House?

If you're reading this then you will probably have already considered the reasons for having professional aerial photos of your home. Perhaps you've been inspired after seeing a beautiful framed photo in a friends house, or have a business premises you want to show off. Maybe you think it would make a great gift for a family member or close friend. You may be selling your home and want to show off its location and beautiful surroundings.

Where To Look

Internet search engines will be most peoples first port of call. There's no doubt they will give you answers to you question…BUT…here is a health warning! They might not be the best answers! Until we started our business we had no idea about internet searches, how to optimise your website or what a 'keyword' was. Changing just one word in your search can completely change the results. We can stand outside our office, search for 'aerial photographer near me' and not appear until the 4th page of google! Who looks there?

Our advice here is simple. Yes, use search engines, BUT also look in business listings like (formally Yellow Pages). This helps to find more established businesses with more consistent listings.
google search aerial view

What To Look For

So you've logged on, you've searched the internet and the business directories. Now what?

In the UK the single most important requirement for aerial drone operators is to have permission form the UK Civil Aviation Authority. They regulate aviation, and, drones are aircraft. Any genuine drone photographer will be pleased to show you their PFCO (Permission for Commercial Operation) which is renewed every year. Like with us at Skyshutter, a lot of work goes into this approval and genuine operators will be proud to produce the document. You can also check each operator on this master list (CAP 1361) from the CAA (we're on page 147, ID number 7807). If the company or individual you are considering are not on this list then they are ILLEGAL and NOT INSURED!

Once you know the company is legal, then who you choose is very much down to what you feel. Each company will have different equipment, and may specialise in different techniques. Talk to a few operators and see what they are like. Again, like the search engine warning, the quality of the website might not truly reflect
how the company are to work with. Just because someone is a whizz with a computer or website doesn't necessarily mean they will work in the truly collaborative way you are expecting. Use your judgement.

What To Expect

All companies will need to carry out a risk assessment. It is part of the PfCO requirements and is necessary in such a safety critical industry. We are aviation professionals and its in our blood to put safety above everything else. Sometimes the risk assessment can be carried out fully from the office. Other times a site visit may be necessary in advance. Certain permissions and notifications should be done in advance. These may include Police, Air Traffic Control, Schools, Prisons, MOD etc.

On the day of the shoot you can expect your operator to have a walk through of you site. They should action any mitigations they identified from the risk assessment and also plan around any further risks identified on the day. They may bring an observer with them or ask you to assist as a 'lookout' during the flight(s).

Be prepared to be impressed! Enjoy watching the drone at work! These aircraft are truly remarkable!

What Questions To Ask

Most organised, genuine operators should naturally answer your questions during the initial planning stages.


There is no such thing as a silly question! You might be surprised how restricted drone operations are so don't be surprised if answers often revert to CAA regulations.

What Should It Cost?

Clearly all operators will have different costs, experience, and customers. The cost of complying with the regulations, insurance and marketing etc are significant. That's in addition to the high capital investment of modern precision technology.

Each job is unique. From initial enquiry to product delivery there is a lot involved (this will be the subject of a future blog). While estate agents may be able to 'bulk purchase' services and get a discount we wouldn't expect any operator to charge much less than £200. Our prices start at £199 and increase depending on the content and quality of photos and HD video production requirements.
drone photo cost

Thank You

We hope you found this useful. We understand it can be daunting when you approach an industry that is heavily regulated and you may know little about.

The key is to stick with an expert!

If you are in the East Midlands and require the services of an Aerial Photographer, Aerial Videographer or just need a drone inspection of a damaged roof then maybe we can help you.

Just get in touch through our website or email us directly at
Skyshutter Ltd supplies high quality aerial filming, photography & survey services. We offer high quality aerial imagery for a wide range of applications. Whether you have used aerial photography and filming services before, or are exploring the possibilities, let us guide you.

  • Experienced Professionals
  • CAA Approved
  • 100% Safety Record
  • Fully Insured
  • Aerial Photography
  • Aerial Videography
  • Video Production
  • Photo Editing
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Structures, Surveys & Inspections
  • House & Home
  • Events & Celebrations

From marketing videos to promotional photographs, our skilled drone pilots provide high quality aerial images of your land or structures. But it's not just for commercial clients, you can commission us to photograph homes, events and special occasions too. We are CAA approved and hold PLI. Visit our main site:
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