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Welcome to Skyshutter Aerial Photography Blog

Skyshutter • 29 March 2020

Why Choose Skyshutter?


  • High Definition
  • Committed To Highest Quality
  • Collaborative Approach

Skyshutter Ltd

Aerial Photography ~ Videography ~ Survey

An Exciting Day!!!

We are really pleased that after starting our business we are now ready to start blogging!

Although we will have some pages about us, our focus will be to inform and guide you through everyday uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (often referred to as a drone).

This is an industry which didn't even exist a few years ago. It is a subject which sometimes receives more negative press coverage than positive. Here is an example of a positive outcome and a negative outcome of using drones! Remember though, like any vehicle, these drones are operated by individuals. It is the person behind the controls who is responsible. This is why you must use an approved operator  for any commercial use of drones. Its the law!

Our next blog will guide those people who have considered using a drone through the necessary steps to ensure they use the right operator.

Perhaps you were thinking of getting some aerial photos of a house, business property or even carrying out a roof inspection. From single photos to HD video and fully edited video productions we will guide you through the processes for each.

We would love for you to subscribe to our channel so you will be the first to see our publications. For now you can see a little  about us  on our  website. You can also follow us on facebook and instagram to see our latest images and videos when we post them. Feel free to email us directly too at

See you soon

Simon & Ellen

aerial photo of my house

Skyshutter Ltd supplies high quality aerial filming, photography & survey services. We offer high quality aerial imagery for a wide range of applications. Whether you have used aerial photography and filming services before, or are exploring the possibilities, let us guide you.

  • Experienced Professionals
  • CAA Approved
  • 100% Safety Record
  • Fully Insured
  • Aerial Photography
  • Aerial Videography
  • Video Production
  • Photo Editing
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Structures, Surveys & Inspections
  • House & Home
  • Events & Celebrations

From marketing videos to promotional photographs, our skilled drone pilots provide high quality aerial images of your land or structures. But it's not just for commercial clients, you can commission us to photograph homes, events and special occasions too. We are CAA approved and hold PLI. Visit Our Main Site:
abbey pumping station
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 Why Drone Operators No Longer Need CSCS Cards
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Skyshutter video used on client's website
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To document a long term project in a dynamic way, Time Lapse may be the answer.
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